Creation of a Nature Reserve and Wetland Area

We where given the extremely exciting opportunity a few years ago to take an untouched plot of woodland and to creative a natural conservation area with the hope of encouraging as many species of nature to eventually grown and develop a habitat for the future.

These are ponds that we dug to create a nature reserve, we dug the first pond over 5 years ago and then added 2 more large ponds 3 years ago. The wildlife has increased over the years and the exciting news is that there are now otters using the area! We have a family which include a mther, and two babies, and the oddd sighting of the father ! The photos show the field as it was before we started work and how it looks now.

We are very very proud of what has evolved here and as more time goes by we are hoping that more and more wildlife will make their home in this fantastic wetland area in South Lakes.

Before - an open woodland area
Pond Creation Nature Reserve
Our Otter Mum